What is a Full Life?
It’s a journey not a master plan
I remember my grandmother once said her life was a waste. It broke my heart to hear her say and feel such a thing. The trouble was at the time, I was feeling the same way. I felt as if my life was a waste. After being hit by a drunk driver, and having such a bad experience from a meaningful relationship, I felt I had wasted my life. I could relate to my grandmother and it saddened me because I saw how it made others feel. Hearing those words from my grandmother depressed me. I had tried to tell my grandmother about all the wonderful memories she had given me; spending the holidays at her house with my uncles and aunts were magical, remembering the stories she told me were the best stories I have ever heard (see xxx in the Shorts menu), but my grandmother couldn’t hear me. She was too wrapped up her past to see the good things and love around her. It made me wonder if I was doing the same thing.
It’s an awful thing to feel as if life is an empty thing. It’s painful in fact. When the pain settles in, then the darkness shuts off the path to joy, further enabling the darkness to be all encompassing.
Fortunately, I had family and friends that loved me and kept throwing me lifelines until I learned some hard lessons. The lessons eventually led me to learn that life can be a fulfilling experience with some adjustments in thinking, attitude and outlook. I touched on some of these lessons in other blog posts, but I found a comprehensive list of “101 ways to live your life to the fullest” that offers good adjustments. I picked and listed out a few of the mindsets, but I recommend visiting the full list (find link below).
Here are a few of my favorites:
Quit complaining
Rather than think “what if,” think “next time.”
Live consciously each day
Discover your life purpose
Create your life handbook
Discover your passion in life
Be positive
Be compassionate
Try new things
Embrace new ideas
Uncover your blind spots
Increase your consciousness
Be big-picture focused
Live in the moment
Focus on (holistic) creation
So maybe these are more than just a few. I could add more but I hope it’s apparent how these tie into being a creator - a spiritual creative being.
I believe if my grandmother had been open minded enough to bring these “ways” into her life, she would’ve seen that her life was NOT a waste. No one’s life is a waste. It’s only not calibrated or focused on the right mindset, as mine once wasn’t, and know, It’s never too late to redirect yourself.
So what’s a meaningful life? Go through the list and find your answer: “101 ways to live your life to the fullest”.
(In the video below, I suggest taking note at the 14:33 minute)